What You Need to Know Before Replacing Your Garage Door Springs

In 2015, at least 63% of homes in the United States had a carport or garage. The love affair with cars among Americans is in part responsible for these high rates of garage ownership. The door is one of the essential elements of your garage.

With time, most garage doors develop a few issues due to wear and tear. Springs are the most vulnerable parts to instances of wear and tear in a garage door. But most homeowners don’t know what to do when the time to replace garage door springs finally comes.

Garage door spring replacement can be a hard nut to crack unless you understand how to go around the entire process. In this article, we review what you need to know before starting the entire process of garage door springs replacement.

Know the Different Types of Garage Springs

One of the best ways to deal with garage door replacement is to understand the different types of garage door springs. Before starting on the process of garage door replacement, it would help to consider which garage door springs match your garage.

If it’s your first time replacing your garage doors, it will help to know the two main types of garage doors. Here, we reflect on the two main types of garage door springs every homeowner should know about before considering replacing broken garage door tension springs.

Extension Springs

Spring extensions are one of the most common garage springs today. These long, skinny springs run parallel to the door’s horizontal tracks. When the door moves, these springs store energy by extending or stretching.

Extension springs are either open-looped, double-looped, or clipped-ends. Each of these extension springs differs in its functionality and structure.

Open-Looped Extension Springs

These are among the weakest types of extension springs. The open-looped extensions rely on an open wire at the end for the spring system to operate, as it should. In case the wire breaks down, the entire spring may need replacement. This is among the downsides of replacing your current garage door springs with open-looped extension springs.

Double-Looped Extensions

The double-looped extensions are the other common types of extensions today. These springs are more robust than the open-looped. The double-looped extension spring connects to the pulley and eyebolt.

Clipped-end Extension Springs

The clipped-end extension is the best option when replacing your garage door springs. Are you considering replacing your garage door springs? The clipped extension springs are the most robust in the market today.

The clipped-end extensions are frequent in most homes. The extensions weigh more than 200 lbs. and tend to be more long-lasting.

Torsion Springs

The torsion springs work to improve the overall quality and strength of your garage door. These springs are broad and are common in the metal shaft or above your garage door’s opening. One of the main advantages of these springs is that they come in various types.

You can either settle for steel-rolling door springs or torque-master springs when replacing your garage door springs. You have four common types of torsion springs to choose from when replacing your garage door springs.

Standard Torsion Springs

These types of torsion springs are common in residential garage doors. If your garage door is lighter, this option may make more sense when replacing your garage door springs.

Early-Set Torsion Springs

The early-torsion springs serve the same purpose as the torsion option. However, replacing these early-set torsion springs may only be mountable on the middle of the torsion shafts.

The Steel Rolling-Door Torsion Springs

Most of the steel-rolling-door torsion springs are more useful in commercial and industrial buildings. If you’re looking to replace your garage door springs for your commercial buildings, then you may consider these steel-rolling door torsion springs.

Torque-Master Torsion Springs

The torque-master torsion springs help to keep each of the torsion rods functioning in proper order. The winding cone plays an essential role in holding the torque-master torsion springs in place. If you are replacing your residential or commercial springs, then understanding each of these springs and how they operate will help you make the right decision on what needs replacement to ensure your garage door works better.

Where To Get Replacement Springs

Once you know the types of replacement springs available and their varying functions, the next headache is to source each of these garage door springs. The main options at your disposal are either sourcing for the different torsion springs online or direct from physical stores.

As long as you know the type of torsion springs you need, it might be easy and straightforward to source the torsion springs from a trusted online garage door springs stockiest.

The best thing about dealing with a professional is that you have the benefits of asking any questions you might have about the entire process. Even when considering online and physical options when sourcing for garage door torsions, it would help to work with reliable companies.

How To Replace Garage Springs in Your Garage

Most homeowners struggle with the process of replacing the garage doors. The underlying question in such cases is if the process of replacing such garage door springs can be a DIY undertaking. Well, this depends on more than one factor when making this critical decision.

First, you need to have some background on DIY stuff. This process can present vulnerabilities unless you are competent with the DIY approach. Further, if you don’t install the garage springs the right way, you might end up with an impending safety hazard when opening and closing the garage doors.

The best solution will be to call in the experts if you are unsure about the process of replacing the garage springs. However, you could always click here to learn about various DIY garage door parts repair process.

This Is What To Know Before Replacing Garage Door Springs

When your garage door is faulty, the situation can get scary. You keep worrying about the possibility that the door won’t open or close the next time you need to park your car. The underlying issue when your garage doors experience faults is often with the garage door springs.

The process of replacing such springs requires a close understanding of the types of springs, the sources of such springs, and the actual process of replacing such door springs.

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